Thea Frey – Soul's Dance

Thea Frey | Philosophy | Gallery | Teaching | Book: Soul's Dance

How is it that –

“Body and its primary expression – movement – and dance its artistic form –
is a way to care for the soul in terms of healing arts and creative explorations of existential struggles and quests in life?”

“I close my eyes and see!”, Paul Gauguin

Dance and the life / art process

The existential quests of our lives can serve to enlighten or
destroy us. However, the human being understood and
acknowledged as a whole of bodily experiencing and movement,
as well as emotions, feelings, and mind – images, dreams
thoughts and fantasies – holds a great potential to open a door
to care taking of the soul.
We give voice to our struggles and dreams through physically
and sensory felt explorations in a creative interplay between
dance, visualizations, drawing and painting, creative writing
and poetry. Thus we enter a space of imagination and play.
Our life is movement and movement becomes the metaphor
for change, which may be the only constant factor in our existence.
Life / Art Dance provides a clear pathway to an authentic and
spontaneous contact with self, others and the world and
allows for life to unfold into a dance and to shape into artistic
expression that enriches our existence. Our wounds, our
shadows and our dreams, consciously explored and expressed
in creative endeavors, can then become integrating and
supportive allies and friends for us.
We now may be “holding our child at our own breast.”

New York, NY